Author: Gary

  • Weblogic – Tuning Java Virtual Machines (JVMs)

    Tuning Java Virtual Machines (JVMs) The Java virtual machine (JVM) is a virtual “execution engine” instance that executes the bytecodes in Java class files on a microprocessor. How you tune your JVM affects the performance of WebLogic Server and your applications. Using Verbose Garbage Collection to Determine Heap Size The HotSpot VM’s verbose garbage collection…

  • Display sql being run by active Oracle sessions

    Display sql being run by active Oracle sessions select sesion.sid, sql_text from v$sqltext sqltext, v$session sesion where sesion.sql_hash_value = sqltext.hash_value and sesion.sql_address = sqltext.address and sesion.username is not null order by sqltext.piece

  • I/O being performed by active SQL statements in Oracle

    I/O being performed by active SQL statements in Oracle select sess_io.sid, sess_io.block_gets, sess_io.consistent_gets, sess_io.physical_reads, sess_io.block_changes, sess_io.consistent_changes from v$sess_io sess_io, v$session sesion where sesion.sid = sess_io.sid and sesion.username is not null whois domain name .

  • Listing active SQL being run in current Oracle session.

    Listing active SQL being run in current Oracle session: select sesion.sid, sesion.username, optimizer_mode, hash_value, address, cpu_time, elapsed_time, sql_text from v$sqlarea sqlarea, v$session sesion where sesion.sql_hash_value = sqlarea.hash_value and sesion.sql_address = sqlarea.address and sesion.username is not null

  • Weblogic – Hardware Tuning Operating System Tuning

    Hardware Tuning When you examine performance, a number of factors influence how much capacity a given hardware configuration will need in order to support WebLogic Server and a given application. The hardware capacity required to support your application depends on the specifics of the application and configuration. You should consider how each factor applies to…